Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

When it seems there are not enough hours in the day, something has to give —— and often, it’s sleep.

The quantity and quality of sleep influences memory, decision making, attitudes, innovation, and creativity throughout the whole day.

* But sleep is not a luxury.

* Lost sleep reduces brain power and productivity.

* Lost sleep diminishes concentration and impairs memory.

* Lost sleep triggers moodiness and increase stress and anxiety.

There are some things you can do to increase quantity of sleep.

* take naps throughout the day.

* get some form of physical activity.

* eat a well balanced diet.

* do not eat anything heavy 4-5 hours prior to going to sleep.

* do not look at your phone or t.v. 1/2 hr - 1 hr prior to going to sleep.

* reducing your stress level.

[ more tips next week ]